Quantum technology/
Frequency references
GLOphotonics provides exceptional plug & play spectroscopic frequency standards based on our proprietary Photonic Microcell technology (PMC)
GLO offers different frequency reference cells covering a large range of wavelengths:
- Visible – Iodine filled PMC.
- IR- Telecom band – Acetylene filled PMC.

Iodine reference gas cell
For visible spectral range

Acetylene reference gas cell
For S-C telecom spectral range

Iodine PMC – reference gas cell
Frequency references for visible spectral range


- Small footprint
- High absorption contrast
- Room-temperature operation
- Wide range of wavelengths in the visible range
- Navigation / Defense
- Laser Locking
- Astronomy

Acetylene PMC – reference gas cell
The Ideal gas reference cell for S & C-band telecom spectral range.


- Small footprint
- Hermetic seal
- High absorption contrast
- High transmission
- S & C band coverage
- Absorption contrast on demand
- Plug and play – integration to standard fibered components
- Telecom
- Instrument calibration
- Laser frequency stabilization/lock-in
- Environment / Space
Reference wavelengths